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AKC Jule Too´s Love Affair

" Kensi "

Imported from Spain

Sire: WWj'18 BISS/Multi.Jch /Ch. Jule Too Beyond My Heart [Usa]

Dam: Wild Storm Young Dancer Girl[Esp]

Born: 24-12-2018

Color: preto e branco

Testes de Saúde:
(Wisdom Panel Laboratory)
CEA, CL, TNS - Livre
Glaucoma - Livre
Hiplaxity 1 - N/N
Hiplaxity 2 - N/N
IGS - Normal
Guaulcoma - Normal
Caninine Malignant Hypertherm - Normal
PLL - Normal
Cystinuria Type II - Normal
Sensory Neuropathy - Normal
Raine Symdrome - Normal
Mais 197 exames a doenças geneticas todos livre das mesmas.

Despistes de Displasia pela Orthopedic Foundation  For Animals;
Ancas: Good 
Ombro: Good
Cotovelo: Good


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